For Your Concern

Comments about society and stories from the mind of a madman who goes by John Michael Vasvary

Month: August, 2014

Chorus Eight

For Hometown Gazette West (Killian)

I would have liked to meet Columbus, but I probably wouldn’t have liked him.
He would have been all hung up on morphine or something,
That’s the way people always are, you think some ones so great;
Then it sucks when they are just as normal as you are.

I once met The Dalai Lama, shorter than I pictured.
Great man told me many a things, most of which were true,
Told me Buddhism is the rejection of unhappiness.
Told him mankind rejects unhappiness.

Chorus Four

It’s a strange thing that a man will do anything for the woman that he loves.
I don’t know why we continually keeping making the mistake of trusting people.
It always seems to backfire on you when you don’t want it to the most.
Yet you cannot change who you are and how you act,
And of all I don’t know at least that is a fact.